Fire Extinguisher Guide
Fire Protection 0 CommentsSafety is a Workplaces Big Concerns
Safety is the biggest concern for an organization to secure its workflow, protect the organizational assets from damage as well as safeguard the life of the employees. Safety and awareness go hand in hand in strengthening the protective measures of the organization.
The safety regulation
According to the safety regulation of a country, an organization or business should have all the arrangements to fight back the fire breakout. So, Fire Extinguishers are widely used in various workplaces/ buildings to tackle any emergency situations. However, people are not often aware of the user-guide of the Fire Extinguisher.
Let’s brief it for you and identifying extinguisher type according to the fire type:
Depending on the type of fire (materials), you need to choose the right extinguisher. The fire type is categorized into six different classes, Class A to Class F:
- Class A: Fire on wood, paper, plastic, etc. (Solid waste)
- Class B: Fire on paraffin, petrol, oil, etc. (Flammable liquids)
- Class C: Fire on propane, methane, butane, etc. (Flammable gasses)
- Class D: Fire on magnesium, aluminum, titanium, etc. (Combustible Metals)
- Class E: Fires on electrical equipment, wire, apparatus, etc.
- Class F: Fire due to fats or cooking oil.
Types of extinguishers
Usually, seven different kinds of fire extinguishers are used in various sectors/ businesses to put off fire, which are:
- Water
- Foam
- Powder
- Specialist powder
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- Wet chemicals
- Water mist
Needless to say, it is crucial to know what Extinguisher to use for a different group of fire break. So, a thorough Extinguisher Guide has been prepared to give you the insight of what Extinguisher to use during various situations.
Extinguisher used for Class A
For the Class A type fire break, i.e. fire caused due to dry waste, water, foam, and water mist is used.
Extinguisher used for Class B
In this category, to put off the fire caused due to flammable liquids, usually water mist, foam and power are used. CO2 is also widely used to extinguish the fire caused due to flammable liquids.
Extinguisher used for Class C
According to the extinguisher guide, for Class C type fire you need to apply Power or water mist to bring the fire under control.
Extinguisher used for Class D
The specialist powder can only be used to control the fire on combustible metals like magnesium, aluminum, titanium, etc.
Extinguisher used for Class E
Powder, water mist as well as Carbon dioxide are majorly used to prevent the fire break caused due to electrical wirings, equipment or similar products. Applying direct water can cause an adverse condition in such situations, so you need it in mind.
Extinguisher used for Class F
Wet chemicals and water mist are the only solutions to extinguish the fire caused due to fat or cooking oil.
The extinguisher guide gives you an in-depth idea of the types of extinguishers to be used in various conditions. Also, it’s a valuable piece of information or guidance to handle emergency situations according to the safety regulations of the country.