When do My Fire Extinguishers need Servicing?

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The Overlooked Importance of Fire Extinguishers

Amongst the many life safety devices that are used by people in everyday life to stay safe, the fire extinguishers are probably one of the most useful ones. Though these red cans on the walls are often overlooked, they can make a big difference between a conflagration and a minor fire problem. Be it an inconspicuous flicker or a small flame, a major fire accident can take place within minutes if it is not extinguished at the very onset. And for that, it is a must that you have the portable extinguishers handy.

See FireCity’s Maintenance Services page for Fire Safety Equipment

Importance of maintaining and servicing the extinguishers

To make sure that in any emergency situations, the fire problems can be extinguished at once, the extinguishers must be in a perfect and functional condition. However, lack of maintenance and negligence can make the equipment worthless. Maintenance of these extinguishers should be accomplished at least once a month. This would make sure that it is functional at the time of need.

Moreover, not just for the efficient performance of the extinguishers, but also to avoid any potential threats that a leaky canister of the fire extinguisher can lead to, monthly maintenance is a must. Dents and leaks on the canister must be checked, as they can be dangerous for the surrounding and can even cause the canister to explode.
How to service the fire extinguishers?

According to the British Standards Institution, a portable extinguisher of fire must be installed at all areas and locations. Along with installation, BSI also guides about the five levels of extinguisher maintenance –

  • Commissioning the equipment
  • Basic servicing
  • Extended servicing of the extinguisher
  • Overhaul procedures
  • Recharging the extinguisher

When should you service the fire extinguishers?

Though maintaining the fire extinguisher once a month is a must, there are many other situations in which you should service your extinguisher. These are – when a dent, damage or sign of a leak is found in the extinguisher when the canister is in a bad shape and when it has been recently used so that it can be refilled or replaced for preventing any further fire accident.

What is done in a Fire Extinguisher Service?

As you hire the skilled, qualified and professionals, who follow the BS5306-3 Code of Practice and are certified by the BSI, they would come and inspect your fire extinguisher and provide necessary services.

  • Check that the extinguisher is accessible easily
  • Ensure nothing is obstructing it from being used
  • Verify the pressure dial and check if it needs charge
  • Check that the tamper seal and the pull pin are in proper position
  • Make sure that there are no dents, cracks, and rust on the canister
  • Examine that a visible and legible instruction label is available on the extinguisher

These are the very basics of fire protection that you should educate yourself at least once every month, so that in a fire emergency, you can prevent it from spreading. Ensure to hire the best servicemen for the task, who are not only skilled in maintaining, but also in replacing and installing new systems if required.